Saturday, September 19, 2009

my smile is tattooed

mehs. weekends didnt start off so well, and yeah i do count Friday as a part of the weekends. i usually love Fridays but last Friday was the most homo-est day that i've ever experienced.


have you ever been the subject of a bitch fest? when a certain group of people have nothing positive to say about you behind your back? and mostly when those who have said negative things happen to be your so called 'friends'? haha. the life of a girl, i guess. being a girl is probably the most painfullest thing ever. being a girl, you get exposed to all sorts of negative bullshit in the world. nothing's ever fair, but i do believe.. life's too short to be worrying abt the people who bitch about you. agree or disagree? LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST. 

Friday arvo, i attened my school's Visual Arts Showcase. the work was fair good and i could sense there was a lot of competition. but but.. GUESS WHO WON FIRST PLACE FOR SENIOR ART ANNDDD DESIGN?! /grins. HAHA! it was pretty shocking, honestly.. i didn't think i would win anything that night. but GYEAH BABY! ;D ;D prize? 2 20$ vouchers to Angus and Robertson.. which is kind of inconvienient because i dont exactly buy books.. nor read! might use it to buy the hardcorver set of the Twilight Saga! ROFL 

Friday night i went to see Adelaide United vs. Melbourne Victory with some friends from another school. it was my first time, overall.. i dont even follow soccer/football or any sport at all! i got pulled into this outta random. it was fun though, something new.. a little strange but still civilised ==' LOL Melb. Victory won by 2-0. my friends went for Melb. so i just joined in /shrugs we stood right at the front of the stand so the view was fair good but it sucked because everytime Melb. scored a goal, all the men ripped off their tops and went wild.. there were snail trails and beer everywhere D: oh and GUESS WHAT!? i'm in the game's youtube clip :) /proud face. HAHAHAHA! hell funny shit, my friend pointed it out. i wore a fluoro orange shirt (Y)  

the chants were incredibly strange but bloody catchy! LOL TITS OUT FOR THE BOYS! SAY TITS OUT FOR THE BOYS! JUMP FOR MELBOURNE VICTORY, OLE OLE! FUCK OFF UNITED! /CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP CLAP and then there was this long one about your mom's your dad and your dad's your mom and something something Adelaide scums /shrugs 

oh yeah. my art assignment for the past term. we've been carving out this hebrew stone thing. theme: mother and child. mehs my sculpture cracked and pieces broke off many times.. PVA glue has been my saviour. gosh i hate 3D work! lol note: my eyes are gone! LOL

party like a rockstar, xoxo

1 comment:

  1. D: Angus and Robertson?! Last year they were Borders/Dymocks vouchers... And first prize was $25! Hmm... Haha why would you waste it on the Twilight Saga? I'm so tempted to burn my copies... U__U'

    Those sculptures look so nice! :) Congrats on winning :D!
