Wednesday, September 16, 2009

dance like there's nothing wrong

setting up for the Visual Arts Showcase which is taking place on Friday :)

my mind has been a tad blurry. i find myself extremely tired and lazy these days. weather has been horrible, some days the sun would be out and everything would be lit with the sunlight and then theres days like today, where the sun would be covered by the thick grey clouds and water droplets would fall. eugh 

have you ever sat down and reflected abt what you've done during the past few years? have you realised all the mistakes you've made and all the people you've hurt along the way? yeah although it is true, live life with no regrets and maybe it is true that whatever that you've done in the past few years, made who you are today. do you ever wish that you could turn back time and fix everything that went wrong? whatever comes around, goes around and everything does happen for a reason. whatever that happens in our lives sometimes just doesnt make sense. /shakes 

party like a rockstar, xoxo 


  1. Nice tutu! XD And yeahhhhh. I've done that heaps of times. Like...probably heaps this year. But I don't believe I really made mistakes. :\ It was just crap that happened.

  2. interesting blog. yeah dude. stuff happens so you can grow from it. hrm. i think if i was the person i am now a few years ago, i would've been able to fix things that went wrong. but i wouldn't be where i am if those things didn't go wrong. so yes. firm believer that everything happens for a reason :D
