Monday, May 18, 2009


awww motherfucker. i clicked something and my whole paragraph disappeared =\ well. i hate mondays. mondays are always full of shit, i'm always twice as tired and have twice the amount of badluck on mondays. baker's delight didnt have my scone.. im starting to hate them now. like really really hate them, i get cranky if i dont get my scone. probs explains why i've been so emo these days D: but gyeahs. i tried to choc chip banana scone instead, ive never been a fan of banana flavoured stuff but it was alright.. so i would give it a 7/10 :) i'm always tired on monday mornings because i stay up on sunday nights trying to finish off my weekend homework. last night i sat around until 3am frowning at my english essay. frowning cuz i could not finish it and i was out of energy. so i decided to take a 'powernap', i went to set my alarm at 4am and snoozed. i ended up waking up at 7.40am.. WHY? BECAUSE I DIDNT BLOODY TURN MY ALARM ON! ARGH. FAIL!

i have one of these, the ones that constantly beep when it goes off =='
im so used to it now, i just sleep over it. haha :)

attended a wedding on saturday night. it was my cousin's cousin's wedding? LOL distant family. i got seated in front of the speakers.. so that was great. and to top it off.. the adults that came up for karaoke, not only did she sound bad.. but they yelled into the microphone.. DOES IT EVER OCCUR TO THEM THAT A MICROPHONE ALREADY PROJECTS THEIR VOICE!? ==' besides that, the food was pretty good, and i drank a shit load of orange juice ;D the dancefloor was infested with 25-30yr old men humping each other.. and some guy ripped off his top and grinded aganist the groom.. what a lucky man. ROFL

me & my awesome cousin ;D ;D

sunday was mellow. didnt go out my with bestie, she had work, no biggie. so sat around at home and did nothing. until i realised that it was sunday and i had not done my laundry. so headed out to the laundry place thing and got it washed and tumble dry. the owners told me to tumble dry my load for 24mins (1$ for 8mins). i think he made me leave it in for too long ==' MY UNDIES WERE CRIPSY! the lace was like.. crisped up D: hopefully they dont fall apart. i havnt touched them since, too risky. anyways, i should get back to my beloved Child Studies assignment which is due tomorrow morning. mahs D:

catch ya later alligator, xoxo

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