the quote for two days in a row was "i'm so angry!" i was angry. and i still am.. and what pisses me off is that i cant do anything about it. all i can do is just sit around and watch it happen. the other person's not gonna even offer to prevent it from happening because there are excuses. i was angry because the things i've done for this person cant be appreciated. i hurted a close friend of mine because i considered this person's feelings, yet they cant do the fuckn same for me. but now.. even though i'm angry and i dont understand why it's so hard to do certain things.. i'm trying to get over it. i'm trying very hard. but everytime i'm reminded.. i just want to break or throw a hard object aganist someone or something. i cant find anything to do to release anger. what do you do when you're angry? i need ideas on how to release, i need to let go =='
"yeah, whatever makes you fuckn happy, whatever i say doesnt fuckn matter anyways"
I used to scream into a pillow? HAHAHA. It's pretty fun doing that. xD ummm what else. I make my room messier by throwing things around? :D Sometimes I dance and sing when I'm angry too. Makes me feel happier. :D GO FOR WALKS!? They let you breathe awesome air. XD And we need our vitamin D :D