Friday, June 11, 2010

eenie meenie minee mo lover

Today I went to my orthodontist to get my braces tightened, they hurt like a bitch :( I got different coloured elastics this time, GREEEEEEEEEEN! Yeah, it makes me look like I've got lettuce stuck in my braces =="

Long weekend is up, have nothing planned. Brother's being a giant fuckhead and isn't letting me leave the house and no bank card, therefore no money! /sighs Many reasons for why I've been feeling so down these days rahrahrah

I need retail therapy; SHOES & LINGERIE. YES PLEASE! :D
Hope all is well, xx


  1. NICE BRACES! :D I've been in a pretty green mood. Bought my friend a green champagne bottle with green ribbon and a green card. haha. Plus... wait, that's the only green thing I did this week.

    STUDYYYYYYY! Even if it doesn't go to your marks (or does it?) Haha.

    Cheer up buddy! :) And yes, we will definitely catch up very soon. <3

    Love you!

  2. Wow..greens braces. I'd never be brave enough to try that! But you carry it off real well!

