Friday, October 16, 2009

just shoot me

did i ever tell you that i absolutely hate my birthday? why? because every year that i become older, i get treated more like a prisoner. everyone makes mistakes, yet when i make them.. its like i murdered someone, the blood is still on my hands? everyone turns their back on me and refuses to trust me ever again..

i came home late today, 20 mins later than usual time. i blame the new bus route time table, the bus took forever to come. got into the house and my sister in law questions why i was late, i tell her the bus. as i walk up the stairs, she rants on about how i'm always lying? IM LYING? she rants on about how i'm always lying and thinking that shes stupid. i never lied to her. it takes fuckn years to get home, we've been through this before.

i've been down with a really sore throat and have been coughing a lot, i wouldnt call it a cold though. either way, thats been killing me. i get home, coughing liek a mad bitch, i then get accused of doing somethign that i didnt do, and get this.. /drum roll. I GET KICKED OUT OF THE HOUSE (Y) oh man, hands down it sucks to be me. so atm, i'm to finish yr eleven and then to move out.

i know my life may not be the worse at the moment, as there are other kids out there suffering from all different types of problems. but out of all the people that i know, my life would have to win the gold medal for beiing the biggest lump of shit. what pisses me off if that i get no say in anything, i have no time to explain nor does anyone bother to listen..

life is unfair ayes? i honestly can not put up with any of this. whenever i mention to anyone that i live away from my parents, with my siblings. they get hell jump and their faces fill with envy. complimenting on how lucky i am to be away from my parents and to be living in such a 'high class' area. its not, not when youre sister in law's a raging bitch with a aborignal spear up her fat ass.

oh my fuckn god. if i didnt have a soar throat and my voice was perfectly normal, i would stand at my balcony and yell at my fuckn drungo neighbor.. HE'S GOING OFF WITH HIS DRUMSET AGAIN! YOU CNT BLOODY PLAY YOU MORON =='

fuckn devo.

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