Yes I'm horrible and I apologize for my absence. Its been, what? One month? mmms well a lot has happened in the last month. My reason for my absence wasn't really due to not knowing what to blog about, trust me.. I had plenty to say. It was just a rough month with heaps of issues and all. They're starting to dim down now and holidays are just around the corner :D Just a few more days of school left and POW! THE PARTY DOESNT STOP. LOL
Sooo.. lets see. Remember them plush toys that I had to make for one of my practicals for Design? Well I made them and 2/3 of them look pretty awesome, I'm fair proud :) For my second practical, I created a beanbag. Sad thing was that it was rushed.. I made it the might before it was due.. so it didnt look that great. I did pull an all-nighter for that shit though. So both pracs best be getting me an A for Design! By the way, the bean bags a tad over-stuffed.. all for presentation purposes mmms
A lot of people really liked my plush toys and some were even interested in purchasing them. A teacher talked to me about actually making some and selling them at the markets along with her line of baby clothes. I wouldn't actually mind aye? They're a bit time consuming but I actually enjoyed making them. Of course my toys wouldnt even stand a chance with the other hand made products at the markets but mehs, I'm only 17, bitch. LOL I'm still thinking about the idea though
On the day that my Design assignment was due.. it was also Year12 Muck Up Day too! LOL So I all-nightered and rocked up to school at 6.30AM. I missed out on a lot considering everyone rocked up at like 5.30AM but oh wells. There was excessive amounts of glad wrap and sticky tape and was a bitch cleaning it up but it was nice seeing the school thrashed :) LOL
Another one of my major assignments that I actually liked was the dessert/cake task for Food&Hospitality. I decided to do something simple but tricky at the same time - a Rainbow Layered Cake. The downfall of it was that I had to rush the cake therefore half of the frosting melted because the cake did not have enough time to cool and that I broke and did not have enough of the chocolate sun rays for decoration. But I was soooo pleased with the outcome of the colours :) The taste of the cake was extremely sweet.. well for others anyways. I thought it was pretty alright LOL
The anal teacher end up saying that he was really impressed with my cake even though it wasn't his type of cake, he was still very impressed :) That's all that matters really haha my written work for this task was shit though, I rushed it so badly!
Hrms, I had a lot more to write in this blog post but I've totally blanked out. To end this post I shall mention 5 things that I really want right now :D

They're so cute.. and ugly at the same time! LOL

I really want "Carpe Diem" on my wrist and maybe something on my lower back. My boyfriend got our nicknames in Japanese tattoo'd on his upper back recently, it looks cartoon-ish but I like it :) I also want something in roman numerals too.. hrms. My mother's gonna kill me though /sighs

Have not seen it instores in Adelaide :(

I'm freaken craving it so badly!

Its Super Mario Bros and its red (Y) I'm waiting for the Nintendo DS 2 to be released too mmms it looks pretty slick :) I've always wanted a DS, just never really got around to getting one. Favourite games: Mario World and Bomberman ♥
Well that's all folks, catch ya later alligator xx