2. Didn't raise much for 40 Hour Famine this year, devo. But kudos to those who did :)
3. Is excited for the Royal Adelaide Show. Was heaps upset that I didn't get to go last year, boo.
4. 8 more weeks to finish my Design practicals, I better get started =="
5. I found my ipod! I thought I lost it but turns out, it was just under the couches at my aunty's house. Music is my Saviour!
6. I miss my old best friend and the people that were once in my life.
7. Really wants to do something with my room, I still need to find time to do what I wanted to do with my wall/blocked window. Hrms..
8. Gonna be able to donate blood soon :D
9. Did not go to school today. Once again, spent the day with the mister. Watched Sex in the City 2 and Killers. Both alright movies, could've been better though mmms
10. Drawing of my blog header from Michael, he's sooooo good 8)

In my arms, in my mind, all the time I wanna keep you right by my side til I die, I'm gonna hold you down, make sure everything is right with you. You can never go wrong if you let me hold you, xx
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