ANYWHOOS! Let's see, its like midway through September now. Well I went to the Royal Adelaide Show yesterday (the last day) with the mister :) Usually I prefer going to the show in groups, more people is better but mehs it wasn't as bad. We just bummed around looking at random shizz in the hall thingys and played games lol the mister doesn't like rides, he got put off after watching Final Destination /shakes I made him watch the more extreme rides that I wanted to go on but he just started to sweat, grabbed onto his stomach and wanted to dry reach LOLOL!
I freaken got this toy thing from the show, I only bought it because it was only $15 bucks and and I THOUGHT IT WAS OPTIMUS PRIME, it wasn't. It was like this cheapo robot thing that LOOKED like Optimus! I swear on the box it looked soo real. And get this, the brand of the toy was called TRANSCEND! IN THE TRANSFORMERS FONT! MOTHERFLIPPIN'FUCKER. It was fun putting it together though.. I snapped off its left leg this morning ==" LOLOL I got my tub of fair floss aswell ♥ It's almost finished :(
On the other hand, I've been taking photos of food lately. Food that I find quite odd or that I've been eating LOL
2. PHO.. IN A CUP!
Also, I've been having driving lessons ROFL! Yeah thats right, my uncle got me a freaken instructor. I swear, every lesson the only thing his saying is 'SLOOOOOOWWWW DOWWWNNNNNNN!' I've had like 2 lessons, the first lesson I sped and rode up several curbs but the second lesson I got better :) I learnt how to change lanes, scariest fuck ever LOL I was driving at 60 and i sped so much when i was changing lanes that it hit 80 when i was on the next lane LOL oh man, talk about reckless driving. Soon I'm gonna be learning manual /shakes
Hrms, I also took a giant risk and got myself a pair of RUBI SHOES! No offense to anyone but honestly, I hate Rubi Shoes. They smell soo bad, the store makes me soo sick ==" But I must say, the styles and prices are fair good, its just the quality mmms. So I got a pair of the Arizona Boots in Chalk (military boots) for $49.95. I don't think I like them that much, my legs are too stumpy for them :( Times like this I envy them girls with the stick thin legs, boo!
COMFORT FACTOR: 3.5/5, kinda stiff but I guess you'd get used to it after
SIZING: 3/5, I'm an 8, which is usually a 39 but I had to get a 38 because the 39 was too big, but the 38 fits just right and it kinda feels uncomfy when walking. hrms
PRICE: 4/5, I originally wanted the GI JOE boots from Betts but was not willing to pay $100 for them even though they were so comfy. But yeah, for $50 thats alright (Y)
COLOUR: 3/5 it was either grey-chalkish or this white-bluish colour ==' I wanted black but no, they didnt have any. blehs
Overall, life's been treating me alright.
Homework's been piling up, these holidays are dedicated to my Design prac which i have not started on at all ==" TWO MORE WEEKS, MAYNE!
Yr12 jumper forms are due tomorrow, I think I'm gonna get 'PUMPKIN' as my nickname, I don't know what else to get hrms.
That's all folks, shall be posting more regularly now :) xx
Don't like rubi shoes. Got flats from there for like...$20 and they died and hurt my feet! Only worn them like...4 times. Gayyyyy.