1. Broken promises. If you promise to do something or even just say you'll do something, fuckn do it. Actions Speak Louder Than Words.
2. Guys in uber tight skinny jeans. No offense to the girls who dig this style and guys who actually go with this style. Usually I believe that every style is unique but really? You really think guys who show off their twig-like legs in these skin-tight jeans attractive? Hrms.
3. Flies & Mosquitoes. The disadvantages of warmer weather :(
4. My driver instructor. Bitch stood me up, didn't pick up nor return my calls and has not bothered to contact me at all. He contacted my cousin and picks her up for her lessons.. yet he left me waiting for 1.5hrs the other day. WHAT IS THIS?!
5. Clogs. Enough said, they ugly. /shakes
6. Being broke. So many things to buy, soo less money in the purse! I never really liked shopping, finding clothes that fit me properly was a pain. But now that I have found clothes that fit me.. I have no mullah. lol
7. Girls who have a boyfriend but leave other guys on the hook. It's not fun, man. Hearts get broken into a thousand pieces and it's gonna take them ages to put the pieces back together. It's also a tad unfair for the boyfriend /shrugs Love Hurts.
8. Racist cunts. Honestly, there are lines that people cross. Some fuckers just go overboard. Yeah sure I'm racist at times, dissing my friends because they're a certain race.. but I know when to stop.
9. Judge mental people. If you don't know then just shut the fuck up. I hate people who call things 'shit' just because its different to what they're use to. Like the other day, some girls commented on the music that I listen to as 'shit asian music'. ITS FUCKN USHER, BITCH! Like what the fuck?
10. Haters. If you have a specific reason to hate someone.. then go ahead. But if youre gonna be hating on someone and not be able to come up with a reason, get a life babe. I got people hating on me because of who I'm dating now, I'm sick of it aye.
Agree with all the above! Except...number 2. Guys in skinny jeans are hot! Wait...unless you mean like, they have super skinny legs and wear skinny jeans which makes their legs even more skinny and then it just doesn't look good at all, then-I agree with you.