It's easier said than done aye =="
Today the whole topic of relationships came up in class, we talked about what kind of guys we were drawn to and everything. I'm usually drawn to the 'sweet guys', the ones who would make me feel like I'm the only one for them rahrahrah. But what happens after? I get hurt. They usually start off all sweet, then the sweetness starts to fade and as soon as they get what they want, they turn bitter as fuck. So at the beginning of the year I decided to take a huge risk and went for a 'bad ass' ROFL He's rebellious, rude, loud, lazy and the complete opposite of me.. From that day on, I've never felt so alive. As corny as it may sound, my boyfriend's my rock ♥

Us 2.5 years ago :)
I do fear the whole 'spending too much time with the boyfriend and ditching your friends' situation, I'm pretty sure I do it sometimes without noticing. But I do try really hard to find time to balance friends, family and the mister. hrms
other than that, lessons in class have been spent very wisely (Y)

This week has gone by fast, hopefully the weekend shall be good :)
Once again, a pointless blog LOL xx
I tell myself continuously that I'll end up with a nerdy polite bookworm like myself, but in my heart of hearts, I know that opposites attract, so I'll probably end up with a rude abrasive asshat who will constantly get on my nerves, but will keep things interesting. :D