I had a fair good day today :) The mister and I had a full lazy day, stayed in bed all morning watching Simpsons and taking turns falling asleep in each others arms (corny aye! /shakes lol) and then we got hungry to we went to the local supermarket and bought celery and peanut butter and ate that for lunch :D Doesn't sound very appealing does it? if you've never tried it, TRY IT! I guarantee you, you won't regret a thing. It'll taste weird at first.. but you'll get hooked. It was the first time eating it for my boyfriend, his facial reaction was hilarious at first.. then he pretty much finished off the jar of peanut butter!

After, we decided to go to Glenelg to get some gelati but when we got there, I had a craving for chips. We bought chips at Souvlaki Brothers, BEST CHIPS EVER! and and guess what? I LOST MY GLENELG JETTY WALK VIRGINITY! Chyeah, the mister called it that. I've never actually set foot on the Glenelg jetty before so today I did it today, shocking aye? crazy. LOL Then we went to town and just stayed around there, shopped and just walked around. Caught up with my wonderful bestfriend and did more shopping.. window shopping. I'm broke as a joke at the moment, NINJA NEEDS TO FIND A FREAKEN JOB! :(
Overall, I had a fair chilled day. I havent had such a good day since ages, probs sound corny and gonna make you wanna puke but it was all thanks to my boyfriend ♥

That's all I really wanted to share today, kinda pointless but yeah LOL xx
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