it's been a tough week; full of screaming, tears and late mornings. i've become a deafie and can hardly hear my annoying alarm anymore D: therefore making me have to wait for the bathroom and missing the 225 bus. the 224 is such a turd in the morning.. full of the most annoy people and is the longest ride ever. i've also managed to sell all of my fundraising chocolates for St Vinnies :) i had 9 left and mom bought them all.. my mom's all abt raising money for the less fortunate (Y) i was counting the money before and came across a five dollar note with a speech bubble coming from i think.. Queen Elizabeth's mouth. oh it was terrific :D LOL
"I like it in the arse" ROFL ROFL ROFL :D
the weekend is over and i've spent it in the comfort of my own home, doing nothing. i watched Transformer ONE on saturday and i now am obsessed and also have the urge to stab myself for not watching it earlier! i saw a truck and opened my mouth and screamed OPTIMUS PRIME! D: also watched Confessions of a Shopaholic, which i would give a 6.5/10. its one of them movies where you would watch once.. but wouldnt want to watch it again for a very long time. and Marley & Me, 8.5/10. kinda draggy and long.. but i balled my eyes out when Marley died =\

hrms. work experience this week at Miss Gladys Sym Choon :) i am so not ready for it. i have no motivation like i did a whole 2 weeks ago and i have no clothes to wear! LOL i went to kfc to get lunch with a friend today and i pulled out my oldschool green FCUK flats back in 2007. i only wore them for 15mins and i came home with blisters ==' i now remember why i dont wear them anymore! LOLOL owned.
i've been pretty devo, i miss my 2008. when all my friends were a second family to me, when my boyfriend and i were 'happily together', when there wasnt so many family issues and when my skin wasnt so bad =\ 2009 is a dud.. and i hate everybit of it. i miss my old friends and my boyfriend and my family. i hate all this competition and arguements, swearing and anger. i miss laughing heaps and 'deep and meaningful' talks, i miss the late nights on the phone and the karaoke sessions. all are memories now.. /sighs
you once told me that you wanted to be the one who would put everything back together if my life was falling apart. eversince you left, my life came crashing down.. where are you?
you know you love me, xoxo
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