ooo. and last friday i end up attending Blackfriars Formal. it was a real last minute situation. formal started at 7pm and i only got asked at 6.30pm D: i am truely, too fast too furious. so fast that i bruised myself whiles rushing to get ready! but yeah, made it to formal just before speeches were made. went it with my bestie, Sinh Nguyen. i have to admit, it was the best formal that i've attended this year; the music was good, the food was edible and the people were babes ;D LMAO oh btw. THE MUD CAKE WAS THE BEST CAKE I'VE EVER TASTED! LIKE SERIOUSLY! TOUCH DOWN! ;) event photos were a dud though, they took my individuals front on, when they were suppose to take it on the side-ish. psshh oh wells. compared to CBC and OLSH formal.. CBC formal photos were better and the venue for OLSH formal was better. BUT at the OLSH formal.. all i recall them playing was Riverside (motherfucker) by Sidney Samson =="

andrew. one of the many cool photos! yeah, my grins a tad wonky, I NEED BRACES!
hong, julie & angela. probs the only decent photo outta the whole lot! LOL
/sighs, maths studies exam tomorrow morning. probs gonna find a comp somewhere after that to do my design D: been slackin off for the pass few weeks. things arent exactly 'smooth sailing' and i've just been distracted. yeahs, just before exams, everything comes tumbling down all at once. i'm sick and tired of it.. not to mention.. hurt liek a bitch! so gyeahs. im just lying around in the mess, havnt done anything about it. gosh im lazy ;D ;D oh btw. ROFLMFAO @ SINH TODAY! we were sitting at the interchange and the train came.. and it blew its horn thing and Sinh full jumped! HAHAHAHAH
yesterday i embarassed myself in front of a large crowd of Indians. Tuesday's pizza night at my place.. cuz sisters cheap and tuesdays are bargain nights (Y) so i was at Dominos, and like.. they have the whole 'you pay after' policy. at first i didnt hear her.. so i kept shoving the 20$ in the chicks face.. until she yelled it out ==' then when my pizza came.. cuz im used to just walking out. i got my pizza and just walked out. half way to the car.. IT FINALLY HIT ME! 'WHY IS THERE A 20 IN MY HANDS!?' legged it back to pay. oh the humiliation D:
the weather's a tad homo these days, everyones becoming ill and dependent. eg, MY BROTHER! he came home today and legged it to the kitchen to grab some Lemsip, mumbling to himself 'noooo, i'm not sick. dont let me be sick' ==" dilerious child. he's sick every month.. even in summer. hay fever rahrahrah! he got hungry after his drink so he grabbed bread and a knife full of nutella, started spreading.. BAMS! he drops it and it got stuck on the kitchen bench.. poor guy doesnt know how to clean after himself.. he got some facial tissues and tried to wipe it off.. FAIL. he walked aroudn the house before with his coat's hood over his head. i looked at him and he raised his arms and growled at me.. @___@
well. ima gonna disappear and PROBS study for maths exam or attempt to do my design. have to take pictures of my lamp and write about it.. oh fun .____."
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO HIEU. :D Oh man. I look heaps short in that photo. :| Or maybe all of you are just giants. HAHA. AAAAAAAAND START STUDYING VEEEEEE! I'm very disappointed in you!