today i attended my Physics lesson and received my exam back, 29.5% ROFL the teacher also made a comment about my diagram for a question consisting of two dogs fight for a bone D: he also was SHOCKED when i worked out the question on the board in my head.
BLACK PEN: vee/RED PEN: teacher
teacher: using a calculator, who can tell me that answer?
vee: /mumbles as working out the answer ..
teacher ignores vee
vee: 7.102
teacher ignores vee cuz he thinks vee is calling out shit like every other lesson
teacher picks a student
student: .. 7.102?
teacher: /looks at vee .. DID YOU GUESS THAT!?
vee: no.. i worked it out in my head..
vee: =O =M =G !!
oh and also.. yesterday i ran around and got my Design, Art and Maths Studies back, results:
- Practical: Costume design&Prop design 85% (ZOMG I WAS SO HAPPY!)
- Theory: Artwork analysis&Article 80%
- Theory: Artwork analysis&Article 80%
- Lino Print 45% (mehs. that was my first fail in art.. EVER)
Maths Studies
- Directed Investigation 72%
- Maths Test 71% (ZOMG. UBER HAPPY! MY FIRST B IN MS!)
- Exam 25% (ROFL ROFL no comment)
you know you love me, xoxo
woah. 3 days to make that! Great work veee :D that would probably take me 2 weeks to make. haha. anddd.. AHAHAHA at the face your teacher marked on your science exam. XD the drawing looks good :D and don't worry about your maths exam! I failed mine on about 27% or something. =_=