Maurie and Eve Tutu with tail - 134.99$ @ LAX
price tag is ridiculous, i could probs make something like it..
i just love this photo altogether (:
zzz. i really hate this double spacing thing! its annoying.
i only had two days of school this week :D OH CUZ I'M TOO COOL FOR SCHOOL! monday public holiday, tuesday school, wednesday school but i didnt need to attend any lessons cuz i was painting the sets for the school musical (WHICH IS HAPPENING SOON), thursday school and friday 'study day' preperation for exams. wednesday was also a casual day, it was painful trying to pick out what to wear. the weather was cold and irritating. i ended up rocking up to school in ZEBRA PRINTED TIGHTS, an old pinkish Zoo York jumper and striped canvas Zu shoes. it took a lot of guts to get out on the house in them, i've never worn tights as pants. im aganist it, but it only applies black cotton tights or the ones with the lace on the bottom D: got onto the bus and Hieu pissed herself. she could not stop laughing nor looking at them. THEY WERE ANKLE FREEZERS! what a coincidence too, zebra tights and the word ZOO on my jumper :D they were cool alright. i liked my tights very much! my mommy bought them for me.vee: so ellie, do you plan to have kids.
ellie: yeah but not out of my vagina..
vee: eugh. D:
btw.. HAPPY MOTHERFUCKN BIRTHDAY TO TAI PIE AND TRUNG BUNG! for today. and and HAPPY MOTHERFUCKN BIRTHDAY TO XENIA-MUSHROOM! for tomorrow :) love you guys heaps and heaps ;D ;D

XENIA BAKANYOZO :) fuckn gorgeous sweetheart!
i had a swearing frenzy at school on today. i got caught swearing so many times and my art teacher made me apologise to the class about my behaviour. suck shit! I WASNT SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID! NEHS! LMFAOOO i only swore cuz i was stressing over design and Adobe Photoshop got really confusing D: after school, Eric dropped me off and i then realised i didnt have the keys, turned out and he was gone. so i had to sit in front of my house and wait for my sister or brother to come home, they both decided to come home late ==' it got really cold, i was out there from 4 to 5.40pm. there were loud frog noises and i started tripping out, a lump of dirt caught my attention as it looked like a frog! so i got up and sat near it, then i went back to where i was. it wasnt a frog D: haha and on the way home, Hieu and i were dicussing about bonfires on beaches and i saw an image of toasting marshmellows.. which then lead to a movie where a girl flinged her toasted marshmellow around cuz it caught on fire and it landed somewhere and melted something.. which then made me piss myself cuz then i saw an image of a blow up doll with her mouth open, flinging a flaming marshmellow around. I DONT KNOW MAN! DONT ASK WHY OR HOW! all i know was that i found it fuckn hilarious! and if you were able to watch what i was imagining, you wouldve pissed yourself too! blow up dolls are fuckn scary D:

the weekend is near (Y)
catch ya later alligator, xoxo
HAHA BLOW UP DOLLS. When we were in the hummer, we were watching parts of Pink's concert and she was like... doing a blow up doll. HAHAHA. Man.. the people that get aroused over those things... creepy.