5 weeks of school has past and I have not done jackshit ==" NOOOO MOTIVATIONNNNNN! sigh soo all last week, I've been running around worrying about my food&hospitality assignment; come up with a desert and main+salad and make it with a partner. Julie and I made 'Cheesecake Brownies'+white chocolate strawberries and oysters+greek salad. The brownies were edible but still a fail, they came out too dry and the chocolate burnt D: BUT the white chocolate strawberries were ORGASMIC! no joke, those who haven't not tried it, buy a box of strawberries (medium sized, not too big) and some white cooking chocolate; melt the chocolate, dip the strawberries in and leave aside to set. Do multiple layers of chocolate because it'll just go transparent, you;ll know what I'm on about when you make it (Y) The oysters+greek salad was fair alright, was disappointed with the size of the oysters.. THE WERE THE SIZE OF YOUR BIG TOE! HORRIBLE.
Weekend has been fair alright, did not go out. Sister-in-laws becoming a grumpy caveman again, she's been giving me attitude all weekend zzz Saturday morning; volleyball game.. PISSED THE FUCK OUT OF ME! Some of the girls came late and we had to forfeit. FUCKKKAAAA YOOOOOOOU! D: The crashed at the mister's house then went home, chilled, then the childhood bestfriend came over, then the mister came over.. then my whole family came over. Good old bonding time (Y) LOL Spent the rest of the night just gossiping and catching up over some Cadbury Rocky Road :D Received a phonecall at like 3am, don't you just hate it when you find out that your ex is running around town acting like a tough cunt :) douche!
that is the cutest photo seriously..
im doing that strawberry thing soon!!