I must say, awesome start to the week today. I'm usually not too fond of mondays, I get hell sleepy and slack and just ceebs with everything :D Well meh, today started off alright; slept in, late for school, slept in english, nodded in&out in media and for design my class went to see an exhibition. The work's pretty good, I for sure will never be able to make something half as good ==" Got there and decided to roll down the small hill with Karina. Fail! We ended up really itchy and felt extremely uncomfortable throughout the exhibition D:
Anyhoo, after the exhibition, Hieu Xenia and I went back to Xenia's 'crib'. Awkward ride back, we were cranking 'Sexy Bitch' and a white celica pulls up next to us and the driver turns his head around and stared, we also turned around aswell to stare then burst into laughter, yeah sounds douchey of us but it was one of them 'you had to be there moments'! LOL Xenia's home was fuckn amazing! I WAS THE FIRST ASIAN TO STEP IN IT! YEAHHH BEEYOTCH ;) Bloody big ass house, you couldn't even imagine what I would've done with that amount of space if I lived there! sigh envy you Xenia. On top of the space, an IKEA furnished home, an outdoor spa, A TRAMPOLINEEEEEEEEEEE!, a sexy couch, bird sculptures and a fridge full of cheese. Talk about my dream house, well i just want the trampoline and fridge but chyeah (Y) LOL
OH OH OH! I had a pretty odd dream last night, I dreamt that I got my L's and was driving a Jeep Cherokee LOLOL I failed miserably though ==" Then i ran over A CROCODILE! and it started to chase after me, I couldn't change gears properly and end up fleeing out of the car and onto a stool (which popped out of no where) then the crocodile turned into a baby leopard.. A TAILKING BABY LEOPARD! the it's mother came out of nowhere and STARTED TO TALK TO ME! She told me to take her son because she didnt want him anymore, I took him and drove off. The suddenly I was in one of my mother's tomato greenhouses, apparently my school had hired my parent's farm for sports day. 100m sprints were held within the lanes of tomatoes, I was competing but some homo had filled my lane up with the picking buckets, I fall, hurt myself and wake up D:
Anyone else had a weird dream last night? LOL xx
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