Weekend was rather good. Friday night went out to eat dinner with the Mister :) Saturday night, attended my best friend's sister's wedding - sadly, I took no photos! It was heaps fun and the food was lovely, I had 6 oysters! SEAFOOOOOOD (Y) The groom's sister went up to sing that Titanic song, honestly no offense but i speak on behalf of the people in that hall, it sounded like a cat being ran over and over by a lawn mower D: Everyone felt violated when she finished and could barely swallow their food /shakes 90's music started to play and I dance with the bride's mom :D A lot of the adults danced on the dancefloor, they did this stepping thing and it looked like they were playing DDR! DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION ;D Sunday was homework day, I read my english novel and headed to the Gilles Street Market. It's wasn't very good, too sunny and hot so wasn't in the mood to 'hunt for bargains' lol
Last week on Friday, Julie and I made Profiteroles. It was this hard-ass pastry puff thing filled with cream and covered in chocolate. It was kinda sickening D: AND I also found a water pistol at school. It's fair fun and it looks hell sexually dirty! LOL
Also during some time last week, my sister had came home with these FUCKING AWESOME drink-sippy bottles. I have no idea where she got them from but they're bloody adorable. My favourite's the green dinosaur :D
Today started horribly; was late for school because my sister-in-law's sister decided to take her bloody sweet time in the bathroom, my school uniform had that laundry smell because it wasn't dried properly on the previous day, someone used all my toothpaste, my phone charger didn't even connect to my phone properly so it died when i got to school and my drink bottle tasted like plastic :( SIGH But besides that, the whole day just flew past. At the end of the day, I had Design. I felt uber high and didnt bother to do my work, I graffitied Xenia's yellow pencilcase instead :D ..and that's the back of my Design book.

NOTE: I look like a fag cus I couldn't see through Xenia's thick glasses! LOL
ROFL @ what the teachers said today.
Media teacher: "We are all Bush supporters"
Design teacher: "She used teabags"
Yeah doesn't sound very funny now, but if you're immature like me, you'd laugh LOL
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