i thought everything was going well, i thought my world was be built once again.. until 6 hrs later, when everything came crashing down. i was actually looking forward to this, giving what we had another go, "we'll try to make it work". that line made me believe so, gave me hope. i got told that "we should just be friends". HANDS DOWN, THAT LINE FUCKN HURTS! it really hurts.. today was suppose to be our '16 months' (Y)

was going through a folder of photos of him and i, came across this.
made it in mid December 2008
i ended up making a phonecall to one of my closest friends and balling my eyes out. probs the first time i've done that to anyone, and i do hope i never have to >:( love hurts, it's a tad overrated. saying 'i love you' to someone and actually loving someone are two different things.
other than that, i took my little cousins to town today. took them to Morning Glory for sticker photos and down rundle street for some food and gelati :D and then we did a bit of shopping at Diva :) yeah, i felt the need to buy headbands /shrugs im glad i could spend a day with them, they get on my nerves but they're good kids. yeah we found this stall which was selling these awesome potatoe things.. THEY HAD CHEESE ON THEM! THEY WERE KILLAHHH! ;D
yeah, stfu D: my scanner died >:(
after coming home from town, the family decided to go out for dinner at some whackoo chinese restaurant. i dont eat pork or duck, so i just sat around flipping through chinese magazines whiles drinking tea! shouldve flicked my pinkie up (Y) LOL well anyhoo, when we were getting into the car:
vee: aunty, did you fart? it smells funky.. =="
aunty: .. no? .. BUT I NEED TO FART NOW
/lifts up bum and presses it against vee's leg
aunty: dw, my farts never smell
vee: ==" (Y)
aunty: dw, my farts never smell
vee: ==" (Y)
mehs, maths studies test tomorrow, i've been too devo to study =\ mehs. shall find a way to past :D
you know you love me, xoxo
Aww veee. I hate that line too. haha. Except mine was interpreted as "Lets stay friends". -_- That's cute, that you spent time with your cousins. haha. I'm not good at looking after little kids, so I don't try to. XD