EUGH! Why are you trying to be a fuckn smartarse? I don't give a fuck if you're making so much money now and that you're blowing off hundreds on branded sunglasses and handbags. Don't be assuming shit when you don't even know what's going on. Take a step back, breath and think. Think of all the shit that you've done and the words that you're barking out at me. Fuck! Don't think you're a fuckn exception, don't act like you know everything. Get The Fuck Out!
Yeah, I'm annoyed. Annoyed at.. /drum roll.. my sister. She's a douche! I'm in the rumpus room and she storms into my room and goes through my desk for a calculator. I tell her that i don't have one that works, she manages to find one and then yells out.. 'Does this woooooork!?' FOR FUCK SAKES WOMAN! YOU STORM INTO MY ROOM AND GO THROUGH MY SHIT, YOU'RE BLOODY 30 YRS OLD, CAN'T YOU TURN IT ON AND FIND OUT YOURSELF! I try my best not to be rude, 'I dont know, you're the one whose in my room, you tell me!' Yeah, bitch storms out complaining that I have anger problems. Would you say I overreacted? =="
Other than my bad mood, HAPPY 17TH ELLIE! Loverrr you :)
Seeyou later fuckers, xx
HAHAAH VY!! We should keep posting angry blogs about our sisters. Or just make a new blog we share complaining about them. HAHAHA. And nah! You totally didn't overreact. HAHA. Sister pissed me off heaps today... I needed the computer to watch lectures.. and she spent like ... 3098405 hours on the comp. And I got home from work around 11:30pm and she said she still needed the comp. -_-' Until now.. haha.