Hi, my name is: VY NGUYEN, bitch!
Never in my life have I been: in a physical girl fight ;D
The one person who can drive me nuts is: my mother.
When I’m nervous: I sweat, mumble, talk really fast, stutter, and try to talk about random stuff in order to calm myself down :)
The last song I listened to was: Trey Songs - Say Ahh
If I were to get married right now my best man/maid of honor: Ngan Nguyen, Hieu Ho and Julie Ping.
My hair is: kind of dark brown, black, purple-ishh, pink? =="
When I was 5: I was a tomboy who constantly wore trackies, running sneakers, hanged out with boys and was a Pokemon fanatic :D
Last Christmas: I spent 2.5k on presents for family and friends =="
I should be..: married to Optimus Prime.
When I look down I see: my bare white legs crossed, I need a fuckn tan.
The happiest recent event was: spending a good two hours on the phone with my best friend.
If I were a character on ‘Friends’ I’d be: .. I don't watch TV D:
By this time next year: studying my ass off for exams.. LOL! jk I'd probs be stoned off my ass :D
I have a hard time understanding: when my friends talk about television..
There’s this girl I know that: thinks she's cool because she had a yoyo boyfriend.
I like you when: you shout me food, make me laugh and can understand my way of talking lol
If I won an award, the first person I would tell would be: my lover-boy :)
Take my advice: Chocolate ALWAYS helps. Even if your lactose intolerant mmms
The thing I want to buy: is a time machine.
If you visited the place I was born: 98% of you would be like.. YAYER! I WAS BORN THERE TO! Chyeah, a fuckn hospital (Y) I hate hospitals, they're scary.
I plan to visit: third world countries one day.
If you spent the night at my house: I'd annoy the fuck out of you, just because I can :)
I’d stop my wedding if: Robert Pattinson rocked up :D
The world could do without: Wu-tang, Da-Da, Snoop Dog tracksuit wearing douchebags. Oh! and LiL t3eNy bOpP3R w@nK3RzZ /shakes
I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: eat an earth worm.
Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: hair products and chocolate (Y)
My favorite blonde is: Scarlett Johansson.. Is she blonde? hrms
My favorite brunette is: my dog.
My middle name is: Thi-Thuy. Chyea stfu =="
In the morning I: press 'snooze' on my alarm atleast 5 times before getting up.
The animals I would like to see flying besides birds are: meerkats.
Once, at a bar: I escaped to the large refrigerator at the back with my ex on a really, really hot day.
Last night I was: practicing my Learners tests on the RAA website. I've aced the give way questions :)
There’s this guy I know who: I can't live without, his name is Tho Nguyen ♥
If I was an animal I’d be: myself.
A better name for me would be: my magical name - Brother Phoenix East Horse :D
Tomorrow I am: going to start my Design.
Tonight I am: tired as fuck, bored off my ass and is feeling very hungry hrms.
My birthday is: on the 4th of December (Y)