Firstly, deep apologies for the dodgey camera phone photos.. I forgot to remove my SD card from my laptop so couldn't used my camera :( Today I took part in the Global Leadership Convention. It had to do with World Vision and the 40 Hour Famine which I also participated last year :D It was fair cool, got to meet lots of people and got freebies (Y) Everyone received a free t-shirt, it had a goat.. wearing SHUTTER SHADES! That's cool beans.
I got upset whiles watching some of the videos of the 3rd world countries that were shown, it's not fair. Not fair how we can carelessly throw away leftovers whiles disadvantaged kids have nothing to eat but flour and water. It's not fair how we can easily go out and spend money on clothes which we don't really need when these kids are wearing nothing but rags.. for weeks. Families in these countries are living off 24$ A YEAR whiles we blow off thousands.
I've been slacking off on contributing to charities, today reminded me of what's out there. I wanna be able to help the 3rd world countries, I wanna make a difference :D
Good on you Vee. :)