Yeah I would say retreat was a satisfactory, first day & night was alright, the rest just kinda bugged me. The activities were crazy, we had prayer services and stuff with a priest who spoke with an accent and just stood there munched on the 'sacred bread' thingys! All three days, all I wore were shorts and knee-high socks. Honestly, it wasn't even that cold, I packed my only and only pair of trackies and end up wearing them to the beach.. and they got wet.. so that was queer. The teachers kept asking if i had left my pants on the bus and then called my shorts 'Veedos' ..because my name's Vee and they looked like Speedos? Homo.
On the second day, the whole year level made prayer flags and all 625 of them were hung around the camp site.. that took forever.
/Vee stands around whiles everyone puts up prayer flags
Vee: Hold onto whattt! D:
Everyone: ROFL
Vee: .. ==" dayam I got owned.
The goal for retreat was to stay up for the whole 2 nights, I pretty much did :) First night was 30 minutes, the second night Thuy and I ran out of things to talk about so we crashed for 3 hours. Everyone else pretty much crashed once it hit 4AM on both nights :D First night was fair good, stories were shared and all we munched on were timtams and chips (Y) Constant trips to the toilet and the door had to open every now and then because it got too stuffy lol
Of corse there was bitching. What I find hilarious is that it's those who say that they don't give a shit abt anything are the ones who have shit spewing out of their mouths. If you got something to say, say it. Who you think you are? Real tough cunt aye. You noob /shakes

Tell mommy I'm sorry, this life is a party, I'm never growing up. xx
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