man, i am loving the look of 2010. how the twenty just sits in front of that ten, i dont know. that number looks sexy! LMFAO gyeahhhhs :) talk about HAWT in Adelaide ayes? its been like 40+ degrees for the past few days, FUCKN YESSSS! LOL been hitting the beach with the family, coming home with bikini bottoms full of sand! not a great feeling D:
on friday night when i hit the beach, i saw a dog do a poop on the sand D: and yesterday night when i went, some guy was washing his dog in the water.. AND SOME DOUCHE TOOK HIS HORSE INTO THE WATER! WHAT THE FOK.. A HORSE! D: not a big dog, BUT A HORSE! /shakes i hate horses.
yeah and as promised. photos of my legs with the flea bites :) theyre starting to heel now so they dont look as yucky. the first few days were just feral D:
TWO MORE DAYS TIL MY BESTIE COMES BACK FROM VIETNAM! and and like.. 2.5weeks left til year 12 starts :(
how is everybody dealing with the crazzzy weather?
How hideous is this weather?? ARGH. I haven't been out of the house since the heatwave started. Oh, OUCH at the flea bites. Looks painful! Shiiiiit, 2.5 weeks!!!!