on the 4th of december was my 17th birthday. mmms, i dont enjoy my birthdays. something bad always happens. this year i tried to avoid doing anything that could prevent something bad from happening. mehs, it didnt work. on the day that marked my 17th birthday, i got kicked out of the house. i've had that threat used against me for ages, just my sister never got around to doing it. but that day, on my actual birthday, i got the boot.
the night was spent with some girlfriends at a karaoke bar and pancake house. i havent been to a karaoke bar for ages, just never had people to go with and never had the time to. but from this day on.. i am gonna go more often cuz singing helps me release my anger. my voice may sound very pleasant and may break a few windows but i dont care :) the food at pancake house wasnt so bad, the kranskies were awesome! honestly, the pancakes at pancake house arent even that good =="
either way, yeah my disappearance once again. it's not that im not motivated to blog this time. it's just i dont have the internet too :( kinda sad aye. /change of topic love is in the air once again. the love bug has flown around and has farted on everyone! feeling dirty aye? LOL im madly in love with my block of rocky road :D
so readers of this awesome blog ROFL what are you expecting in your stockings this christmas? last yr, my boyfriend at that time and i played a game. the aim of the game was to get each other a present below 5$ :) honestly, it's hard to find something nice for a special someone for 5 bucks. he cheated though, he had a friend who worked at a bookstore and got that person to sell the Twilight book to him for 5$. i end up making an A5 scrapbook :D it was pretty cool. i wish i photographed it, the scrapbook was my art journal, so it had random sketches. i stuck heaps of colourful paper and heaps of photos of us in it. mmms memories do fuck you over aye? LOL
got my report back, isnt very good looking at all. i saw it coming though, so i wasnt that devo :)
how did ya'll go with your report?
HAPPPY BELATEDDDDDDDD!!!!!! XD Looks like you had fun on your birthday :) And damn :\ I hope everything goes okay with you and your family. I'm not really expecting anything for Christmas. Haha. My family's not huge on presents sooooo yeah! And my report went pretty good I reckon. :) We didn't get A's and stuff. I got mostly all goods and excellents and ONE SATISFACTORY >=( haha. Your report isn't too bad Vee! haha. I got a D in maths studies when I did it too. XD
ReplyDeleteSinging your guts out feels pretty damn good doesn't it!
ReplyDeleteI really really like that scrap book idea, totally stealing it 8-)!! Ha :L
Hey, your reports aren't that bad!
My reports were pretty good :D
I'm not wishing for much, being with that someone is the best gift, ever.
Hope you enjoy your holidays.
Ah despite everything that happened on your birthday, it seems as if you had a lovely time @ karaoke.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how you can be bothered with the whole scrapbook thing, Vee. I usually give up, first page in. Ms.D's destroyed every ounce of passion I once had for arts... D;
LOL I was so close to failing Bio. I thought I was doing well until the 30% exam just destroyed any hope of getting an A. Same for maths lololol. Epic fail. You taking studies next year? :)
THANK YOU THUONG! haha i didnt bother to try for matsh or bio so its all gravy. kinda devo that english is a B ==' thast means in yr12 english, my english would be a C :(
ReplyDeleteyes it does feel good tina, it was bloody awesome :) haha no worries, have fun with the idea. take photos of it when youre done! :D
HHAHAHA! it only took me like.. 3 days. got a bunch of photos developed, went through 3 glue sticks, piles of coloured paper and scribbled corny msgs throughout the book. LOLOL gyeahs last christmas i had nothing better to do /shakes haha you nerdy nerd nerd! LOL what'd you get for maths? no way in hell am i taking maths studies again D: that subject made me look at maths from a whole new angle, i hated it. i can barely look at maths now :(
LOL nerd? Uh, no. I think I scraped a B. Yeah I scraped a B. And just passed the exam. F! I know, I can't bear to look at another parabola again. UUUUUUGGGGH. I don't understand how anyone could give a crap about finding x. Honestly. I was forced to take bio seeing as all my back-ups weren't happening :( Did you sign up for VA Studies?
ReplyDeletehaha i slept through my maths exam, decided to 'rest' my eyes. and bams, woke up 20mins later :D mehs thing is.. i dont recall picking bio. i remember choosing graphics design ==' zzz narh, i chose design. but i hear art and design are gonna combine /shrugs and theres gonna be a few design classes :)