i was going through my camera before and found photos of the jade Buddha that came to Adelaide a few weeks ago, i had totoally forgot to blog it. yeah it probably sounds douchey but i found it pretty killah. daddy made me stand on the stool and touch the jade Buddha. it felt awesome :)
i also found this 'wish' that this kid made pretty funny. i think the task was to write a wish on a bird shaped piece of paper and stick it on the trees at the temple.
also got to catch up with some old friends. we stood around and talked about parties, mosquitoes and gossip (Y) mummy also bought me this bracelet, which is supose to reduce high blood pressure. I HAVE A LOW BLOOD PRESSURE! LOL i havn't really taken a photo of it though.
i also watched The Ugly Truth last night. i loved it. it's a freaken good movie. i dont really like that chick, i think she's a tad boring but she did alright in this movie :) me and my mate, Tai had a pretty kellah convo before. LOL
I say:
so tai, how often do you flick your bean
I say:
taiquach. says:
taiquach. says:
i dont have a bean to flick
taiquach. says:
i yank my camel toe
taiquach. says:
party like a rockstar, xoxo
HAAHHA, she yanks her camel toe. Nice to know (: