hieu: ewwww. /giggles vee in a suit!
hieu: ewwww. /giggles vee in a suit!
vee: ...
my maths test wasnt so bad, i kinda flew through it! i hovered at the end but i got there. probs my FIRST maths test that i finished.. well.. i left out the last question. mahs either way. im expecting a B for it. if no B.. i'm gonna lock myself up in the pantry and eat until i die D: or until my sister finds me.
the morning was pretty good. when i got on my ride to school, i got handed ERIC LAO's white psp. i'm hopeless at games. like seriously, im the most unco-est person ever, and if not unco, competitive. JULIE PING & HIEU HO started the game for me, it was called something.. i forgot. but it was one of them shoot-coloured-bubbles-and-connect-3-matching-ones kinda game, YOU FEEL ME!? well.. the screens tiny. i literally had to hold the psp 15cms away from my face in order to see what was going on. yes.. it's time for truth, and the truth hurts; i have puny eyes. theyre like little slits.
[photos to be inserted here]
valando: can you actually see everything? i mean.. doesnt your eyelids block out your vision?
vee: ZOMG! D: /shattered
besides my mis-unfortunate vision, i have anger management. i raged at the game and nearly caused ERIC to run the car into the car in front of him. and and because of my aggrovation, JULIE&HIEU started arguing about who gave the game to me in the first place. LOL MOTHERFUCKER I HATE THAT GAME, DAMN YOU.. LEVEL 64! as what JASMIN CHENG would say.. "I WANNA MURDER IT!" :S
anyways.. so theres this girl. i think about her everyday..
well i really have no choice. she dangles herself in front of me and laughs at me and pays me out about my eyes. she made me add her into this.

'Ellie is the noobest wog i know'
other than that, i had tutoring today. im gonna blindly attempt to do one of them 'what i wore today' entries. the theme? BOGAN-NESE :) im a noob when it gets to clothes. i just chuck on what i find.. not unless it's stink clothes =='
top Lonsdale, jacket GStarRaw, jeans Sass&Bide, shoes Zu, scarf Wish, socks Mossimo
i love my laundry ;) ciao, xoxo
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